On 1st Livestream While Reading The Topics On My Flip chart Suddenly I'm Cancelled And Threatened. No Idea What I Said Wrong.
This conversation explores why NO US AGENCY has proposed PREVENTION instead of mandating some UNAPPROVED new drugs.
I don't smoke but it's OK if YOU do. Now who wants to be my partner in crime?
https://thecoloradoherald.com/2021/thousands-of-flights-cancelled-as-vaccinated-pilots-fall-ill-or-die/ FB WARNED THAT SHARING THIS INFORMATION CAN GET MY ACCOUNT RESTRICTED. USE YOUR SEARCH ENGINE FOR "VACCINATED AIRLINE PILOTS" and don't let Big Tech censor you.
Hahaha! Jocelyn Chia Comedy and her Asian posse all got into a club with one ID
Connie Podesta (conniepodesta.com) on the 5 stupid questions women ask men :)
More funny (& ad-free) videos at Jinx Yeo Comedy
EXPOSING Early covid-19 treatments Big Pharma does not want you to know about
Chinese Nuclear Power Plant Accident Cover up, Radiation Exposure to USA Expected Within 2-3 Days.
WHICH VACCINES HAVE BEEN "OFFICIALLY" APPROVED AS A CURE BY ANY GOV'T IN ANY COUNTRY? My understanding is that you are officially allowed to become a volunteer "guinea pig" for lab research being conducted by various pharmaceutical conpanies. Prove I'm wrong!
Emergency! "We are out of ammo!" is what the military would be reporting back to the Pentagon, because the Chinese would overwhelm them with extra missiles
Unbelievable!! This is a former federal judge revealing government involvement in Jan 6th
Another country where people just don't want a 6pack of beer.
Want to hear it from the horse's mouth? Wanna see a VIDEO to guarantee this ain't fake news? Don't get mad at the messengers just because you don't like the facts seen here.
He needs to GO and his money frozen until his prison sentence is completed. Joe and Harris have already said they ain't gonna punish him.
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and other lawmakers hold a press conference to discuss removing Dr. Anthony Fauci as head of the NIAID.
Seal with white background
United States Embassy Manila, Philippines
United States Consular Agency Cebu, Philippines
June 15, 2021
Health Alert: Quarantine and Regulations Update, June 16-30, 2021
Below are the current quarantine classifications according to the Philippine government effective June 16-30,...
Learn Why BLM Leaders Are Resigning, Then Open Your Eyes While Closing Your Wallet To Them.
Bigo.tv has computer problems like so many other platforms. They can't tell me how many people are following and how many people are friends
American Expats, we are qualified for some assistance and do not have to be physically State Side. Let's discuss what is available and any successful techniques that others may employ. Chat here maybe #CovidCash or any other method.
The White House is seeking to discredit Dr. Anthony Fauci, the country's leading infectious disease expert, as the president works to marginalize Fauci and his warnings about U.S. response to coronavirus. Aired on 7/13/2020. » Subscribe to MSNBC: http://on.msnbc.com/SubscribeTomsnbc MSNBC delivers ...
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The American who is responsible for the worldwide pandemic now under investigation.
Have you heard of Smart Wi-Fi Calling? Call and text during your travels abroad at domestic Cambodian rates with Smart Wi-Fi Calling! For details please visit https://www.smart.com.kh/services/add-ons/smart-wifi-calling/.
While genuine scientists debate the latest findings published by other research scientists, FACT-CHECKERS have already concluded that even Bill Gates who advocates for "depopulation thru vaccinations" is incorrect and flat out wrong. So much for having faith in THEM. Another question is since tobacco smoking kills m...
Almost Unanimous, Now That People Are Being Informed that He Paid For The Research To Be Done Where Americans Could Not See What Was Going On.
Will you or someone you know legally ask Dr Fauci for financial aid because Wuhan research scientists have thanked him for his financial aid to develop the Covid-19 virus?
Live action from the Kuala Lumpur Malaysia entertainment center!
Wake up and ask how is this 41 year old book possible unless written by a TIME TRAVELER. Reading only parts of this 41 year old book will convince you and everyone else reading it that certain humanoid beings amongst us have stories to tell that are just unbelievable. Obviously if one person has provided 100% convin...
New York Times Bestselling Author and proven Time Traveler, describes the Wuhan virus 41 years ago. Get the Google summary and prepare to be blown away, prepare to be convinced TIME TRAVEL is real. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3i0xz0X2V9s
Do you believe that Dr Anthony Faucci will be locked up for this crisis?
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Life is hard by the yard, but a cinch by the inch. And don't forget that quitters never win and winners Never Quit!
Hanging out with you guys, They promise to give me extra credits for sharing this.
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Thailand's sex trade: A million women in it and it's bigger than the drug trade, says ....
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RM0. Great NEWS! Ur App-Onz is now activated! Enjoy FREE UNLIMITED Internet for FACEBOOK , INSTAGRAM & TWITTER. Start sharing your post now! (Will try a live streaming session)