Here is how I'll Help ...

Here is how I'll Help You:
I need your help, because I just created a GoFundMe where I offer uou a portion of what your friends give me. I'll even join your team when you need me.

Help me reach my goal by joining my fundraising team NOW. As a team member you can spread the word, post updates and more.

No matter wh...

BREAKING: Federal agents investigating Hunter Biden ...

BREAKING: Federal agents investigating Hunter Biden have found enough evidence to charge him with tax crimes and a false statement related to a gun purchase!!!!

When you listen to the lyrics, ...

When you listen to the lyrics, you cannot complain or say anything negative about this guy.

Sure, War is BIG BUSINESS but ...

Sure, War is BIG BUSINESS but Nuclear War js insanity.

I'd love to receive your ...

I'd love to receive your help to become famous for just 15 minutes. All you gotta do is share this. Thanks.

People always like asking me "So ...

People always like asking me "So where are you from?"

Email your politicians and tell them ...

Email your politicians and tell them you object to this future nuclear war

Proof that is not what you ...

Proof that is not what you say, but it is how you say it!

Study of the U.S. Institutes (...

Study of the U.S. Institutes (SUSI) for Scholars are 5-6 week long intensive post-graduate academic programs that provide university faculty and other scholars the opportunity to deepen their understanding of U.S. society, culture, values, and institutions.
🔗 For more information, see:

This guy is crazy, don't ...

This guy is crazy, don't believe his theory.

Biden: "The pandemic is over" ?!?! To ...

Biden: "The pandemic is over" ?!?!

To every single person who stood their ground YOU are what is gonna save this Country!!!

#supershorts #shorts #standup #comedy #Reagan #Sovjet #Russian #America #Preside...

#supershorts #shorts #standup #comedy #Reagan #Sovjet #Russian #America #President #comedian #funny #jokes #laugh #lol #humor #hollywood #love #nyc #losangel... railroad train story ... railroad train story an hour long. Every family ...
Every family has rules, right? Here are OUR rules. tourism jobs development ... tourism jobs development programs offering 3 women in 110 locations a million dollers each to promote local tourism.

Worldwide, he surely seems to be ...

Worldwide, he surely seems to be one of the most hated. Now he and his associates or partners in crime MUST stop Trump. You can listed to the story instead of just reading it.

You see this guy at 11:...

You see this guy at 11:46, Mr Ozzie Freeman? I have a long video on YouTube interviewing him as HE HIMSELF was giving demonstrations on how to convert vehicles and Mack Trucks to run on water. They closed him down when he started getting too popular. GREEDY people are "ca...

We need to go after them ...

We need to go after them the way they went after trump. #DeepState #FBI #fakenews


Why I must study reading the ...

Why I must study reading the Vietnamese language in addition to learning to speak Mandarin Chinese

Dr Steven Greer is an expert ...

Dr Steven Greer is an expert so you should pay attention to this

PayPal is paying new customers $10 ...

PayPal is paying new customers $10 to join AND giving ME $10. Both of us can earn $100, so what are you waiting for?
See also because I love sharing money with you!

The threat of a possible alien ...

The threat of a possible alien invasion grows, in this clip from Season 1, "Doomsday: 10 Ways the World Will End."#CountdowntoArmageddonSubscribe for more HI...

Here is another version of My ...

Here is another version of My favorite karaoke song that I love to sing

Here is another version of My ...

Here is another version of My favorite karaoke song that I love to sing

This is my best karaoke song, ...

This is my best karaoke song, and I love singing it.

NEW SINGLE [I LOVE YOU]Available ...

NEW SINGLE [I LOVE YOU]Available on iTunes @ #ILOVEYOUMore about 2NE1 @

NEW SINGLE [I LOVE YOU]Available ...

NEW SINGLE [I LOVE YOU]Available on iTunes @ #ILOVEYOUMore about 2NE1 @


#LOCAL 不分年代,我有我的STYLE! 帶動全民作伙 搖起來~洗腦踢怕(T-POP)質感台曲發威 本土天團 #玖壹壹 再現舞動神曲《LOCAL》報復性聽歌就是一種最好的解藥~#亞洲蹲、#皮帶甩、#機車騎,真正屬於本土的T-POP,#甘按呢 2020迎...

#LOCAL 不分年代,我有我的STYLE! 帶動全民作伙 搖起來~洗腦踢怕(T-POP)質感台曲發威 本土天團 #玖壹壹 再現舞動神曲《LOCAL》報復性聽歌...

#LOCAL 不分年代,我有我的STYLE! 帶動全民作伙 搖起來~洗腦踢怕(T-POP)質感台曲發威 本土天團 #玖壹壹 再現舞動神曲《LOCAL》報復性聽歌就是一種最好的解藥~#亞洲蹲、#皮帶甩、#機車騎,真正屬於本土的T-POP,#甘按呢 2020迎...

G.E.M. "X.X.X. ...

G.E.M. "X.X.X. Live" 紅館演唱會將於4月12-16日舉行門票現正於各城市電腦售票處、通利琴行、網上及電話購票熱線發售網上購票:信用卡電話購票: 2111 5999票務查詢: 2734 9009Like this track?Buy it on iTune...

[ ♬ Download ]iTunes :

[ ♬ Download ]iTunes : :

Discussing million-dollar salaries and becoming ...

Discussing million-dollar salaries and becoming the largest tourism employer in your area! New users fill in my invitation code 187261057 and find more surprises!

Discussing million dollar salaries and becoming ...

Discussing million dollar salaries and becoming the largest tourism employer in your area New users fill in my invitation code 187261057 and find more surprises!

Discussing million dollar salaries and becoming the largest tourism employer in your area New users fill in my invitation code 187261057 and find more surprises!

I believe the world is changing ...

I believe the world is changing in big ways that haven’t happened before in our lifetimes but have many times in history, so I knew I needed to study past ch...

No matter WHAT, I still TRUST ...

No matter WHAT, I still TRUST the US Government and YOU SHOULD TOO!

If you are OK with 7millionjobs....

If you are OK with then upload this red one into your POSTS;

How many times have I said ...

How many times have I said the exact same thing?

My Friend Dionicio Virvez, from Multi ...

My Friend Dionicio Virvez, from Multi Cultural Motion Picture Association is here.

Showing 301-400 of 1154 entries